French Women Writers from the Ancien Régime
The Women Writers project represents the work accomplished by MARGOT researchers during Phase I of the project (1989-2003). Complete with introductions,
without would no heads.
these texts are available in PDF format only.
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versions of the following texts, click on the title below.
- Madeleine-Angélique Poisson, Mme de Gomez, La nouvelle amériquaine (1724)
- Marthe Cosnard, Les Chastes Martirs, tragédie (1650)
- Jeanne-Michelle Hamonin de Maranville, Mme de Pringy, Les Differens caracteres des Femmes du siècle. Avec la description
de l’amour propre (1695)
- Marie de Costeblanche, Lettre à Mme Marguerite de Saluces, Mareschalle de Termes(1579)
- Marie de Pech de Calages, Judith (1661)
- Jeanne de Cambry,